Looking Up

Every year I have to get 24 hours of continuing education to keep my optometry license up to date. In the future, I hope to get these hours at many other cities with amazing architecture that I’ve often wanted to shoot (chicago, D.C., New York) but for now, I’m settling for Wichita and Kansas City.

This was the first time I have ever visited Union Station in KC. The station itself was quite a site. The architecture was very interesting. Of course, I decided to leave my SLR at home thinking I would be in classes all weekend. Well, fortunately, my wife happened to have her cheap P&S with her. So I decided to test my luck and see what brackets I could come up with.

Often times I find myself looking around trying to visualize a shot directly in front of me. And I know this is about as cliche as you can get when dealing with photography, but there are really amazing things to be seen by just changing your perspective. Take a moment to look around, directly behind you and even straight up.

Three exposure HDR (handheld) of the ceiling and chandelier of Union Station. I missed center just a little but I’m happy with what I got:
Union Station Ceiling

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